
My Spring Morning Routine

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Hello friends! I was thinking about how important it is to set yourself up for success at the beginning of the day and how doing even the littlest things can make such a big difference in how your day, week, or even month goes! I’ve been trying to add in healthy habits throughout my day to make sure I’m taking care of my body and mind. SO I decided to put together my super simple morning routine so I can share everything that I’m doing with you all! You know how it goes, sometimes life gets so busy but keeping these few things going has really helped me stay grounded. 


Wake up and make my matcha tea

Every morning… matcha! This just helps me wake up and it’s a fun little ritual I do daily and look forward to. I use Pique Tea, find it here. It’s the best matcha I’ve tried!

Spend an hour in prayer

I listen to worship music to set the mood, and I journal – I have been using the 5-minute journal since 2017 and I love it. I also do Bible reading and study; I got a new Bible this year I’m loving, it’s a women’s Bible called Thrive, find it here! It has a yearly reading plan along with daily devotionals to digest the texts for beginners! This time may vary according to how much time I have but I never skip, I think it’s important to stay with it if you’re trying to form a new habit. According to a study done by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, “on average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances”. Meaning, you have to stick with it even when it seems like a chore! And this goes for any new habit you’re trying to form, not just spending time reading or in a devotional. If you want to read more about the study, find the article here.

20-30 minutes of exercise 

Okay lately, I haven’t been the best at this because I’ve been traveling so much. But I normally love to get in 20-30 minutes of exercise every day. Sometimes I use the Peloton app and sometimes I use Youtube videos. Some of my favorite YT people are Pamela Reif and MadFit – they’re quick and effective if done consistently!! I also feel like if I put on a workout outfit that makes me feel confident and strong it motivates me to get my workout done, it’s the best workout life hack! Here are a few of my favorite workout pieces right now:

Make breakfast

Next, I make my breakfast. This is usually a bagel and coffee + oat milk, but I am trying to be better at my eating choices! Haha

Get ready & get working 

Once I’m done with breakfast, I’ll shower, do my hair and makeup and go to my agenda to work on what I have laid out for that day. I usually try to schedule my meetings for after 10 am so I can have the entire morning to take care of my mental and physical health and get camera ready! 

And that’s pretty much it! Having this morning routine has really helped me feel way more grounded and has helped me prioritize my mental and physical health. When I’m sticking to this daily, I always feel so much better, more energized, and ready to take on my day! This all might look different for you because each person is different, but I think it’s so important to have those little rituals you do every morning where you take time for yourself as much as you can. Even if it’s just 15 minutes in the morning before everyone else wakes up! Find what makes you feel good and stick to it.

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  1. Just finding out you love spending time in Gods word makes me love your post even more!